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Output Event - RemoveItem

1 KB, 14 years ago, submitted by Truce

Removes an item in the player's inventory.

Player -> RemoveItem [Item, RemoveAll]

onActivate -> Player -> RemoveItem [Gun, 0]
onActivate -> Client -> CenterPrint ["You lost your gun!", 3]

I remember this...

'Its useless as players have a drop key to get rid of their weapons'
and then someone said...
'Admin: Ok, you have to drop the key at this part.
Guy: i want to have it
Admin: But you have to
Guy: But i want to keep it'
It's a lot better than asking people to drop weapons.
Great for prison rps, since you can make floor tiles deleting weapons
This is good for levels in Space Stations.

You could make a door with a Invisible brick under it with the events: onPlayerTouch > Player > removeItem > (Gun, 0)
Then you could do a client: onPlayerTouch > Client > CenterPrint > <color:FFFFFF>Oh no! You dropped your Gun through that gutter!

Very usefull, since this would do well with the Birds Eye View Player. You could enter a "No Gun" Zone and it immediately takes away the gun. Then when they come back out they get it ag
Darth Blackout
I love this mod! Now on my Halo TDM I can stop those annoying people who mix classes!
Useful for prison RPs,now you can clear.