Ninja Faces
59 KB, 15 years ago, submitted by
Sneek up and put a knife in his head!
Ever been in a dark map? where they can easily see your face decal in a deathmatch? Well no more! Ever wanna rob a bank but your face is showing? Well no more! Ever just wanna get the inner ninja out of you? Well that time is now! You ever notice, how in a dark map (like bedroom dark), you can see a person's face a mile away? Well no more! You are possibly thinking: "its too good to be true" or, "Wow, ive been waiting for this!" Well here you go! Yes, yes every upside has it's downside, and the bad part is, your character just so happens to have long blonde hair which makes it easier for him to be spotted D= But this mask looks sweet on him! ;D
The color of your face is the color of the mask, so no pesky snipers can see your head from a long distance away.
Credit to Evar678 for the idea
Credit to The_Russian for fixing part of it for me [thanks russian]
Not DLing though.
@Hatakare Mitsuga: =/ Critic...
Yeah you say they're bad yet there's 1k downloads? Pff.
You are a capitalize freak, you only need to capitalize the first words of sentances and proper nouns!
on topic:
These really reflect the ninja reality, Ima download and make a ninja TDM!
What. The. Fudge.
Dude, It mattters.
Nice dude
ONTOPIC: What is the /b/ for?