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Vehicle Lock

7 KB, 11 years ago, submitted by MrBob00

This add-on allows you to lock and unlock vehicles!
Type /lockVehicle and /unlockVehicle while in your vehicle to lock and unlock it, respectively.
You can also use the Key Car item to do this as well (requires Item_Key, which is default).
If a vehicle is locked, only you or an admin may enter your vehicle.

Type /lockVehicles and /unlockVehicles to lock and unlock all of your vehicles, respectively.
You can also put a name after the command if you are an admin to lock a specific player's vehicles.

Admins can type /lockAllVehicles and /unlockAllVehicles to lock and unlock all vehicles on the server, respectively.

Finally something like this happens!!
Finally. I can't STAND people charging into my car and saying "I'm not getting out".
we need an Item for unlocking other people's cars, similar to a "Slim Jim".