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Present Prints

267 KB, 11 years ago, submitted by Gothboy77

Presents for Blockland!
Includes 3 different gift designs. Paintable!

The Epic Man
Nice. First post!
This was posted AFTER christmas and the prints really don't looke that great to be honest... 3/5, mostly for effort. Always next year.
Probably could look more cartoony for a cartoony sort of game.
@littlepile This game is NOT a cartoon! Remember when maps were out? They weren't cartoons! God damnit Blockland is N OT a cartoon!
It actually aims for a fairly realistic style. While totaly realistic graphics is a bit far-fetched in the engine it uses, it does manage to look semi-realistic.
it's a good idea, and at first i was going to say 5/5 or 10/10, but i can't help but feel the realistic portions of the prints are proper for a game such as blockland

3.5/5 or 7/10, good work though, as i don't think this has been added
Now I can build myself presents because no one got me anything for my birthday :c
thank you for my new addon!