RTB Archive > Decals >
Impossibru face
7 KB, 12 years ago, submitted by
Happy? Angry? You got hit in the face? Taking a dump? With this face you can express all of these feelings at the same time, and more!
With the new updated thumbnail you won't even have to worry about your face selection looking bad!
littlepile 12 years ago
Yeessss Thank you.
MrLoLy 12 years ago
Great face, thank you, 5/5
Paradon 12 years ago
Does anyone know if there's a way to change my RTB name? My IGN is Paradon for anyone intrested.
custardpot10 12 years ago
@Speedy. Ask Ephi and he MIGHT just do it. But don't take it as a 100% chance, its the only way.
Ozmar 12 years ago
Five outta five! Epicness poop face!
Black Mesa Defender 12 years ago
Well,good when you want to poo.
SWAT433 12 years ago
PaRaGoN x777 12 years ago
This isn't the impossibru face... ._. fail...
PaRaGoN x777 12 years ago
jk it's good :3
Soulpelt 12 years ago
Qflames 11 years ago
I don't see how looking constepated is considered every emotion, but 8/10
Gam3r_Kid 11 years ago
Slanted brick - IMPOSSIBRU