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2x2F Piano Keys

0 KB, 12 years ago, submitted by Beam

One 2x2F piano key print ranging an octave (or to be more specific a major seventh, from C to B). The print is made this way so that multiple prints of itself can be placed next to each other and still be accurate to the order of a piano.

Can be used for grand pianos, upright pianos, synthesizers or anything you can think up!

The white keys are transparent, so to get normal keys, color the print white. This is so the face and side of the print don't clash in color, and they can be changed to unorthodox colors.

First comment, rating, and 8th download! 5/5 I needed this for a more realistic piano!
This was needed, thank you. Now my pianos will look much nicer. 5/5
The problem is piano keys are nowhere near that long.
Isaac Fox
In my opinion, I think it's better to make a piano without this print, because it will be much easier to find the notes.
its cool thx i wanted this :D
now thats what keboard cat needs
Lol, im ganna use these...
4 Keyboard Cat! xD

5/5 Dead Ponies...
SCP - 096

Is that a Smosh reference?

Nice, great for a house build.
