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0-1-2-Slot Playertypes

2 KB, 12 years ago, submitted by TristanLuigi

How the hell can I hold FIVE weapons or tools in my hands and pockets? HUH?

Anyway, I have made a few playertypes that can only hold zero to two weapons, which is a lot more realistic than the nine-wep playertype, I'll tell ya that.

No Slot Playertype - No weapons for you!
Single Slot Playertype - I knew I should've worn pants with pockets...
Double Slot Playertype - The most realistic as far as slots go.
Triple Slot Playertype - All those guns in you pockets don't slow you down?
Quadruple slot Playertype - Primary, Secondary, Melee, Grenade! I'm all set!

None of the playertypes can jet. These are pretty impractical for building as building requires at least 2 slots to be effective with no way to print without hasseling between hammer aAnd printer, but pretty good for DM's.

Credit to Bloxxer for most of this add-on and Chrono (sorry Chrono, I didn't know you were the same guy as Chrome :P) for the script that helped Bloxxer.
While the Multi-slot player may make this useless for most, this is faster and also RTB's server preferences is glitched on some computers anyway. Plus it won't require a server restart (I don't know if MultiSlot Playertype does, so don't bash me if it doesn't :/).

This would be a great addon for maybe Rp's but thats all i can think of for now so this is actually a pretty good addon... Kudos for you and i give 5 stars for the realism and idea
this may be cool thx for making this
tthx Tristanluigi for making this
just get the one playertype where you can set the number 0-9.
Now we need 3 and 4 slots.
My name is now Chrome?
On average, US Marines carry about 200 pounds of stuff. That is with all the standard equipment. That is much more than two "slots".

200 Pounds of Equipment =\= Two Item Slots

On the other hand, this isn't real life or the Marine Core so that is all irrelevant.

So, in the end, 5/5.

No download though, because I always find I don't have enough slots.
What about grenades?

Need slots for those.

Edit. You may only need two weapon slots but usually you have like four grenades.
-cosmic radiation-
add a four slot player plz!1=primary,2=secondary,3=knife, in shooting games
-cosmic radiation-
Happy news! Triple and Quadruple slotters have been added.
Ev Dowg
It has a skull next to DL button. Ya might wanna fix that.
@Ev Dowg: That just means it was updated and not re-approved yet.
You can hold stuff in a backpack! :D Anyways, 5/5 for the idea but I, for one, do not have anyone to DM with because I'm nine and most other players are teens. (D=)

Your not alone. I am a kid too!
@ last two posts
you guys shouldnt really say that
I know alot of 9 and 10 year olds on this game who are atleast able to play a game without getting all upitty and hormonal about it.
bad ass!!
I dunno wut it iz so me gunnuh giv it uh -10/5
Here's how you hold five weapons at once.

Hammer and wrench - Tool belt

Printer - Pocket

Gun - Holster

Rocket launcher - Backstrap

And that sir, is how you do it.
3 slot will come in handy big time!
Who can hold 5 weapons at a time? J.C. Denton of course.
Mr. T could hold 5 weapons, but the only two weapons he needs are his left and right fists. And his feet, but those aren't required.
V 111th comment GET
You're an idiot.

Most infantry nowadays carry:

A primary and even a second primary

A secondary

A knife

Several grenades


Nice , I DLed

I agree but maybe this was for citizens.I could only carry 1 smg with a primary. I cant carry anything else
Aber Purchai
A character in Saints Row: The Third has an 8-slot weapon wheel, plus an additional four slots for the four types of grenades. This is a cool addon, I'm just saying :)
L4D has 5 slots for primary, secondary, grenade, medkit and peelz/adrenaline.
I agree with Alxetora. Besides, Blockland doesn't need anymore realism than it already has. This is nice, but I believe it's a redundant playertype.

Even then what if you were a doctor or something.

Stethascope thing
Various other medical items
Medpack perhaps
Pie Crust
Who can hold 5 weapons in their pocket? GTA people.
This could be used for ZOMBIES. 5/5
wait does this adds more inventory?
No, it removes inventory for citizen players, with either 0, 1, or 2 slots for items
Ban me from the whole RTB service. My BL_ID is 22696.
The Brighter Dark
Why not just give the players only 2 items in the minigame settings..?
@The Brighter Dark
Because they could pick up more.