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LeetLegacy 2x2f set Electronic

76 KB, 13 years ago, submitted by LeetZero

The 2x2f pack contains:

The tablet, otherwise known as "Graphic Tablet", is a pen-drawing tool, like a bigger touch-pad that links to your computer and moves your cursor. Features some random buttons on bottom too...

*LLES (LeetLegacy Entertaining System) [NES Parody] {Inserted in v2}
The LLES is a parody of the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System) done as a request by a user who said who will pay me to make a NES, well, you have one, sort of... [i]So give me money, now. Either way, I did NOT name it NES since I want the LeetLegacy Logo on it... So yeah... The LLES top contains a Clock with Alarm, the Cartridge Socket, LeetLegacy E.S. on Vertical position, and the logo, Next;Previous;Menu buttons, which help in setting the clock, Eject;Stop;Start buttons, 4 controller sockets, TV Connection Outputs on the side, and other features.

The on the print menu contains TEXT instead of the prints themselves.

The program used to make the prints was Paint.NET.

Sponsored by LeetLegacy:

Note: Pack will be updated in the future.

Note2: The guy who made me graphics, I knew him in real life, left my country, therefore needed to do them myself, I used Paint.NET to make a new LeetLegacy logo, found on the LLES, which personally I think it looks better than the old, with this occasion I also made 2 wallpapers, usable by whoever wants them, as a "promotion".
Use example 1 (Second)
Use example 2 (Second)
As you can see the Second wallpaper is practical, you can make yourself organized and see where the taskbar/toolbar/whateveryouwanttocallit will pop up.
And in the First wallpaper, I just wrote random-topic words in there, with help from friends.
(Update 11 September 2010)

All of yours are 1/10 BOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ive seen you on other fourmes
you have to stop baing so stupid you jackass
theese are good
Your Slave
Corecska, umm, die.
Corecska, that is an extremely poor comment. These are very well made and I simply cannot find a flaw from any of these prints.

On-Topic: Good job with these, looking forward for more.
Agreed with the blow posts,Corecska,SHUT UP! these are Good.

Burn in hell bitch

Awesome is what you are leet!
5 stars for you
@Corecska .-. you are like thecableguy who flames someones except yours,please delete yourself
@corecska Go die in a hole Noob. Haha i can make text pink and Spam Exclamation points! hahaha!!! im a Little First grader! Hahaha! Grow up.

1: Not true.
I state problems in add-ons, or how they just look like the author didn't put alot of effort into them. I never flame. And even if i was, it was probably because someone uploaded the mininuke or something equally stupid.

2: If your going to make comparisons, do it right. There is no relation between me and corecska, i rarely rate an add-on lower than a 5/10. And even if i do, it is most often sarcasm.


this is the last one i need!!
Made a LLES (LeetLegacy Entertaining System) in a Parody of NES (Nintendo Entertainment System).
Awaiting Mod Approval that the file is safe.
a dude
can you make a tablet but 1X1? or 1X2?
I don't see why not. But also I don't see why should I... I mean, a Tablet is better as it's bigger. I don't think I seen a Tablet the size of my palm... yet... Whatever, stuff are mis-resized in games, so I could. But give me reason(s) why to?
a dude could be useful for makin small computers.

two.could be used for laptop builds

could also be used for tvs(why not?)

oh and you just lost the game

-dante Xx/a dude.
One: No it would not? As a touchpad like at laptop? Excuse me, but I'd rather do a edit of the 1x2f keyboard into one.

Two: The only way to make a Laptop that looks like one is either have a 1x2f closed case (top of the case), either have a 1x2f keyboard and a 2x2r (Ramp). I do not plan to make Ramp prints soon.
a dude
oh. a edit of the mouse. for a laptop. WHY DID I NOT THINK OF THAT?!
you sir get a cookie for fixing my eorror.

are you planing to make a JVS laptop tho?

just askin