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Druid Type

1 KB, 13 years ago, submitted by smith8437

What is a Druid?
A Druid is a human who can change into diffrent forms, so with a few minutes, i thought it would be unique and cool to make a Druid Player, so when you right click as a druid player, you become a horse, when you right click when your a horse, you become a human again!

Use the horse to get near the enemy, and at 16 bricks away, jump as the horse, and just before you start to fall, go to human, crouch, and eliminate the enemy
CON: Horses are big things, you can get shot if done in plain sight.
PRO: Horse is fast, human is sneaky. Together they are Tanks.

•Brian Smith
•Hyrdalask for beta testing

Have fun!

But at the same time interesting.
I love it for Stealthy TDM's, I have one where theres a bunch of AI horses/bots walking around, and names are hidden, so you have to be super cautious, they are only 1 way to know the difference, hint: Its not the look- You look the EXACT same as all the other bots/horses.
The thing is, you're thinking Druids from W.O.W, not a real Druid
@ smith8437 Look at the ones that are jumping, Or walking further than 200 studs everyone time they move.
this will be good for challenges!

^_^ if you agree.
awesome :D
Brian_Smith IS smith8437.
fred da kiko
people will notice a roaming horse in a building...
:( I espected somthin mutant-y
nice but rlly a horse? i'll dl but try me again with something else...
you can make some more so people can change in derfent forms so he can do that idk I going to download this 5/10
cool, make more seletions, like it yu type /druid cow, right click makes cow, if you type /druid horse, right click makse you horse
Below commenter knows what he's saying. Please do that; it would make it easier to mod the playertype so you can change to other non-default things witout taking away the original functionality of the mod. Like how the modes of the swiss army gun are seperate from the gun itself for people who want to customize how it works. Like a plug-in.

Please do that, I would love you.

4/5 (5 if you do as I stated above <:) )
The Druid cannot open doors....
I would like to see some items to go with this. Spells in particular, nature based.

I.e thorns that entangle people.

Oh, and decals.
I wish it could turn into something else :P
This is all your gonna get, Im not updating it, unless Im doing what ever jazz said.
"Heya Bob, you see that?"
"What Jim?"
"That horse over there."
"The brown one?"
"Yea, notice anything strange about it?"
"Watcha mean Jim? "
"Well, it's got some sort of shotgun-thingy strapped on it's flank."
"Sey, i guess your right there Jim. What Meme should we use here?"
"A TF2 Reference?"
"Good idea Jimbo. Just let me get my Rifle."
"TH3 H0R53 !S @ 5PY!"
Blocko's got the right idea, that could be a update later, but it's great! I love it!
This is all your gonna get, Im not updating it, unless Im doing what ever jazz said.

Well then, do I have your permission to do it myself? :/

I guess what Im asking is, If I posted a modified version of this that allowed players to switch to seperate forms, would you or would you not get mad about and/or report
Activate doesn't work when using this playertype...
Very infuriating.
Are you going to answer me, or will I just be sitting here waiting for another month or so? :/

Id really like to do this, if I have your permission.

EDIT: I just realized who you are. Lul.
Why a horse?
Four Flames Ninja
Sweet, make extra versions with different animals, or even items that allow you to switch to different animals.
well i like it but it needs some tellmon55 spice pm if you want some its free.
Bull Dog
Nice work but... Horse? Why horse? I know most of players dont like it or even use it...
Guardian Angel
A good idea would be maybe the dog form from that Dog add-on. Of course ask for permission. But if you can model well it would be cool if you could make some other form... Great idea. How about a bird of some sort? Lol. :D
I edited it, now instead of the horse, it changes into the Dragon playertype, which is not default lol
Does it set the maxhealth to 250 like a normal horse?
Laze Quicksman
I don't know how to edit Addons that i have downloaded D: I want to do so that it makes you become a car =3
You can't.... unless you REALLLY want to spend a long time in the files of BL