Click to Pick Up Items
1 KB, 12 years ago, submitted by
Changes so players have to click items to pick them up, rather than stepping on them.
Comes with 4 settings:
Click to Pickup Items: on or off
Toggles this add-on.
Item Pickup Range: 0 to 100 (keep in mind this multiplies by player scale!)
Set the range which players can grab items. Default is 3.
Players Can Block: on or off
Set whether players and vehicles can obstruct grabbing items or not.
Can Pickup Copies: on or off
Set whether players can pick up the same type of item more than once.
Note: This is incompatible with Tier + Tactical's ammo. There is nothing I can do about this. Talk to Bushido.
OnTopic: Needed, suprised no one else made this before.
OnTopic:neat as heck!
Click to Pickup Items: on or off
Toggles this addon
Or can people just pick them up by running over them still?
P.S I clicked a car and it dropped a AK47. O_o Lol Cya!
Ontopic:Epic Add-on