RTB Archive > Decals >
TRON Suit Decals
9 KB, 13 years ago, submitted by
Three awesome decals of TRON, CLU and standard program suits.
They have trans lines, you can color them and the suit will always be black, except the lines that can be in any color!
Its ok.
Its not just okay...its epic
That's mean. He probaly worked hard on this.
They have BUT the were the decails from th OLD tron (they werent that good), These are from the new movie TRON and there pretty good 4/5
This is awesome. AWESOME. It was just on blockland forums, then i couldn't find it, so then i was panicing... then all hell of a sudden this shows up.
The black is too dark? What? Its BLACK
Although I agree, in away....It just needs brighter colors
Go back to your roblox, nooblet
Roblox is for baby's.