Rainbow Light
1 KB, 13 years ago, submitted by
Yeah. I did do it. Never thought you'd see me make anything other than mods? Ha!
Alright so I don't want to over complicate this, so I'll try to explain this simply.
This light scrolls through every color in the rainbow.
(With the limitations from the naked eye, the light coloring system, and Blockland's rainbow.)
I would like to explain something in detail however; This light IS NOT ANYTHING LIKE, NOR IS IT EVEN REMOTELY CLOSE TO THE DEFAULT LIGHTS SUCH AS RGB.
The differences between my light and other multi-color lights can be generally summed up by the fact that while lights like RGB harshly switch to the next color in their animation, my light smoothly fades to the next color in the animation in a continuous loop.
Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy Rainbow Light!
I may or may not make a lights pack; I will base my decision on how well this light goes over with the community.
Ontopic:nice,downloading,and 5/5
@Gamefandan - This is lovely. And the fact that you've made it switch with a smooth texture. The RGB light just hurts your eyes, since they switch so fast aswell. 10/10 - Lights Pack?
Guys, it's a lot different. If you actually took the time to read the description, you would know that you fucktards.
Care to give a teaser of one of the versions? :3
Also, if/when are you making the lightpack? Just a release date to look foward to.
Expect it from any time until tomorrow to December 23, 2011.
Rainbow player?