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Server Trust Levels

1 KB, 14 years ago, submitted by Space Guy

Allows the host to change what required trust level is needed to do particular things. Each can be set to "NONE", "Build", "Full" or "You" for the owner only.

Build On
Paint Bricks
FX Paint Bricks
Print Bricks
Hammer Bricks
Wand Bricks
View Wrench Bricks
Edit Wrench Collision
Edit Wrench Rendering
Edit Wrench Raycasting
Edit Wrench Events
Undo Bricks
Undo Paint
Undo FX Paint
Undo Print
Ride Vehicle
Push Vehicle

If you let anyone ride in vehicles then they can take control of your vehicle brick.
Thank you space guy. one of the most valuable tools in the war against noobs that abuse trust.
Yey now i can make it so people can wand people's build XD
Whoa, bro this is pretty tight. Thanks man im totally downloading this.
This is good, but I can't find it.
Space Guy
You need RTB installed to use this. Enable it, start a server, go to Ctrl A -> Server Control -> Preferences.
I like this, but with it installed even superadmins have to have the players trust to do things, how do i fix this?
Space Guy
That happens by default. Admins can still view players' wrench events but not edit them. This mod isn't "allow you to abuse everyone on the server by editing their stuff", it's for allowing them to fix builds when the other player actually trusts you with it.
woaw is so smart
nice. now people won't ask you for build trust to get in your car
Paper Mario
what aaowf said
This is kinda useful.
Pie Crust
very useful