RTB Archive > Decals >
Cute Face
3 KB, 14 years ago, submitted by
This was a pretty easy face to make other than the 3 of the :3 . So far on my list of faces, Ive gone through T_T , D: , -_- , and now, :3 ! Hopefully you'll like it. I didn't put much work in it, so you don't need to comment badly, because It doesn't matter. I just made it for people who love to use the text face, :3 ! I hope you all like it.
=3 Mrow.
I'm glad it has all the downloads, if you're a downloader and your reading this, You deserve Cake!
So why don't YOU crawl back into YOUR shitty hole of a home and why don't YOU stfu, idiot.
OnTopic: Great face, keep up the good work dude!
sergent??? he look like stupid in the face
Ontopic, Awesome, 4/5
ontopic: seth, you win. you win epicly.
Ontopic: 10/10
sersioly i love this addon
Explain it and I probably could.