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Opus Voltage

1.03 MB, 3 years ago, 93 downloads, 270 views, by NightHawk

1.9.6 (2 years ago)

Darkened Wheel Texture

1.9.5 (3 years ago)

*Reduced acceleration to make it more realistic to other super/sports cars available.

1.9.0 (3 years ago)

+ Updated Performance Metrics on the Tires, Acceleration, and Top Speed. It will now be more realistic and will rival the Stuttgart Streiter Filipe released earlier.
* Fixed a missing parent in FlyingWheeledVehicle::onAdd in Support_HandsOnVehicle.cs (Updates coming soon to all other released content)

1.8.0 (3 years ago)

Added a horn to all variants! Left click in the driver's seat with no item in your hand.

1.7.0 (3 years ago)

Model bug optimizations

1.6.0 (3 years ago)

20% maxWheelSpeed increase

1.5.0 (3 years ago)

Integrated Engine Sound Support
Reduced engineTorque to compensate for realism in the Engine Sounds
added Rear View Mirror

1.1.0 (3 years ago)

*Rewrote Shared_Script_Lights to include 4 stages of turning on the headlights
*Shared_Script_Lights now incorporates hazard lights

+ShiftBrickCarController Support

1.0.0 (3 years ago)

Initial upload.

Version 1.9.6 (2022-01-30 18:58:31)
my favorite car

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