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3 KB, 4 years ago, 6 downloads, 114 views, by McTwist


onActivate -> Self -> fireRelayNum ( "1", "Brick" )
onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "blue" )

onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "white" )

The brick will be colored blue. It is also possible to insert multiple numbers like:

1 5-7 9 11 15-17

The list is the direction of the event where Brick is the default current brick.

For fireRelayRandomNum, it will pick only one of the relays.

onActivate -> Self -> fireRelayRandomNum ( "1-2", "Brick" )
onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "blue" )
onRelay -> Self -> setColor ( "white" )

The brick will randomly become blue or white.

Protip: Adding the same number more times in fireRelayRandomNum results in it being picked more frequently.

"If the event does not come to you, you come to it."

Version 1.11.0 (2020-09-25 05:04:31)

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